
Saved without a Doubt is unavailable, but you can change that!

Do you ever struggle with the insecure feeling of not knowing for sure if you will go to Heaven? Is there any way to overcome that doubt? With pastoral love and concern John MacArthur answers the second question with an authoritative yes! He carefully examines the biblical texts affirming the forever quality of salvation, but does not ignore the troubling passages that seem to indicate otherwise....

work of salvation in our lives remains incomplete—we still await the redemption of our bodies (Rom. 8:23), which will occur when Christ returns for us. Because we have not yet received full possession of our inheritance, we may question its reality or at least its greatness. As one means of guaranteeing His promises, God seals us with the presence of the Third Person of the Trinity. We receive the indwelling Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation, “for by one Spirit we were all baptized into one
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